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Why can’t I log in to my account?
Why can’t I log in to my account?
Updated over a week ago

"The Username or Password Entered does not Exist “

Either the username or the password being used is incorrect. Be sure you are entering the correct login details. If you are still not able to log in, select the ‘Reset Password’ option and you will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password. If you are still having issues after resetting the password, please email support or use the Live Chat on the website.

"Oops, an unexpected error has occurred. Please refresh the site and try again."

Try refreshing the browser page, or closing it completely and re-opening it.

"Establishing Connection to the Server “

The server may be temporarily unavailable. Please try again in a few minutes. If you are still not able to connect, please email support or use the Live Chat to speak with a support agent.

“For security reasons, your account has been temporarily suspended. “

You may have requested to close your account in the past, your account may be disabled, or you may have requested a self-exclusion period that has not yet expired. For further assistance, you can contact our customer support team.

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